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Strada di Paderna, 2 - 47895, San Marino RSM
Ph: +39 0541 1799675
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Ph: +39 0541 1799675


Ethics Company Code aims to ensure that all subjects having relations with MAIN Engineering operate in compliance with the law and with the utmost respect for Customers, Employees and Collaborators, acting in accordance with the principles of moral integrity, honesty, correctness, confidentiality and transparency.

Likewise, this conduct applies to all MAIN Engineering Collaborators, including Employees, Executives and Suppliers, and to External Companies, whose Employees are required to comply with our Code.

In order to guarantee a collaborative and peaceful working environment, the behavior of MAIN Engineering Employees and Collaborators must be ethical and respectful of the dignity of each individual.

It is important that the Code is a priority, and that any conduct that does not agree with the values of the Code is promptly reported with speed, clarity and firmness.

What happens in the event of a breach of the Code by one of our Employees or Collaborators?

Breaking the Code of Ethics, the Law or our values ​​potentially damages our reputation and our Company. Should one of our Employees or Collaborators fail to observe our policies, they will be subject to disciplinary actions, up to the possible evaluation of the employment relationship interruption.

The Code of Ethics does not aim to sow a climate of tension and stress within the Company but, on the contrary, intends to draw up fundamental guidelines for maintaining a fair and values  consistent behavior.

When working in the interest of an entire company, it is good to always keep in mind some questions that allow you to act correctly.

Specifically, ask yourself if what you are going to do is:

  • Legal;
  • Ethical;
  • Fair to the Company.

For any doubt, or if you should become aware of the infringement of one or more points of our Code of Ethics or of a current legislation, it is your right and duty to report the incident by contacting the Human Resources Department of MAIN Engineering or, if you are an Employee, to your Supervisor.

Remember that you can always write an email to:

All your reports in these terms will be evaluated and dealt with promptly, in complete confidentiality.

MAIN Engineering aims to make you feel free to express yourself and report any concerns without fear of retaliation.

MAIN Engineering does not contemplate in any way repercussions that may harm those who report suspicious situations in good faith.

MAIN Engineering’s Code of Ethics:

1) MAIN Engineering guarantees an inclusive and fair work environment, free of discrimination and harassment, and fully compliant with current legislation.

2) MAIN Engineering is committed to ensuring safe and comfortable offices and work areas for its Employees and Collaborators, in compliance with the regulations related to health and safety in the workplace. It also promotes a culture aimed at awareness and prevention of accidents and risks, expecting everyone to respect these principles.

3) Among its objectives, the entire MAIN Engineering team also counts on minimizing the negative impact on the environment and natural resources of its internal processes and working methods.

4) Each Employee and Partner of MAIN Engineering is required to carry out their duties honestly and in full compliance with the law: to this end, any type of corruption, money laundering or financing of terrorist or criminal operations is not tolerated.

5) MAIN Engineering expects its Employees and Collaborators to respect and protect the company assets at their disposal. Everyone is therefore required to observe the measures to protect against theft, loss, damage, access, abuse, unauthorized use and destruction.

6) All MAIN Engineering Employees, Collaborators and Partners are subject to the obligation not to disclose confidential company information. Any information considered as such by MAIN Engineering is defined as “confidential” which, if disclosed, could cause legal, image or economic damage to the company itself.

7) The same principle indicated above is also applied by MAIN Engineering to the confidential information of third parties, so everyone within the Company is required to act in compliance with the same requirements.

This represents one of the most important values ​​for us, precisely because our customers trust in our ability to keep private and safeguard their data. Their trust in us is our constant promise to them.

8) Finally, it is considered essential to avoid conflicts of interest with MAIN Engineering activities.

For example but without limitation, the following cases are reported:

  • Having a second job that reduces the effectiveness of time and energy spent on MAIN Engineering;
  • Being the supervisor or manager of a family member or close friend within the Company;
  • Leverage opportunities learned in MAIN Engineering to your advantage, or start competing businesses with MAIN Engineering.

Trust, loyalty, transparency and justice are some of the principles we believe are most important in carrying out our work.

Therefore we trust that all our resources and our network will share and respect them continuously.