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Strada di Paderna, 2 - 47895, San Marino RSM
Ph: +39 0541 1799675
Work Inquiries
Ph: +39 0541 1799675


Under Article 13 of Legislative Decree 2002/58/CE (Code concerning the protection of personal data), Main Engineering srl provides the following information about the cookies installed on the domain (the Site) or from other domains accessible through the site.



Cookies are small pieces of data that allow us to compare new and old visitors to our website and help us to understand how users browse our website. We use the data collected by cookies to ensure we offer a browsing experience that reflects your interests, preferences and provides easy access to our services.

Our cookies do not collect any personal data about users and no identifiable data is stored. If you would like to disable our cookies, you must customise your computer settings by choosing to delete all cookies or by enabling a warning message when cookies are about to be stored. If you do not wish to modify your cookie settings, just continue browsing.



  1. Cookies for navigation and functionality

Main Engineering srl uses cookies on the site of the first part of the session and persistent to allow for safe and efficient navigation and use of the site and to improve the services provided by the site.

  1. Analytical Cookies

Main Engineering srl uses cookies of the first part of the platform Google Analytics to collect aggregate statistical information on the use of the Site by users (number of visitors, page views, time spent on site etc …).

  1. Social Cookies

Main Engineering srl uses cookies on the Site of third parties to allow users to connect to their social account and share site content through social networks (Facebook, YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram).

  1. Contact Form

The User, by filling with their own data in the contact form, consents to its use for responding to requests for information, estimate, or any other nature indicated by the form.

collected personal data: name, last name, zip code, email, address, phone number and Various types of data.



If you agree to the use of our cookies, please carry out the following steps:


Google Chrome
1. In the top of your browser window select “Settings”
2. Find the “Privacy” section and select “Content settings”
3. Now select “Allow local data to be set”

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
1. Click on “Tools” in the top of your browser window and select “Internet Options”, then click on the “Privacy” tab
2. To activate cookies in your browser, ensure the privacy level is set on Medium or lower
3. If the privacy level is set above Medium, this will deactivate the use of cookies.

Mozilla Firefox

1. In the top of your browser window select “Options”
2. Then select the “Privacy” icon Select “Use custom settings for history” and “Accept cookies from sites”.

Safari on OSX

1. Click on “Safari” in the top of your browser window and select “Preferences”
2. Click on “Security” and then “Accept cookies”
3. Select “Only from website”

Mozilla and Netscape on OSX

1. Click on “Menu” in the top of your browser window and select “Settings”
2. Scroll downwards to display cookies under “Privacy and security”
3. Select “Enable cookies only from the site your navigate to”


1. Click on “Menu” in the top of your browser window and select “Settings”
2. Then select “Preferences”, select “Advanced options”
3. Then select the “Accept Cookies” option



The data collected using cookies can be handled by employees and associates of Main Engineerins, as being responsible and controllers. These data may also be processed by the company we trust to perform on our behalf tasks of a technical and organizational. These firms are our direct collaborators and perform the function of the controller.